Recover Your Damages From A Dog Attack
Posted by Adam R. Leighton on Apr 25, 2019 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Recover Your Damages From A Dog Attack Personal Injury Lawyer Some dog bite attacks are of little concern, but others are much more serious and require the legal assistance of a dog bite lawyer to recover one’s damages. Without a settlement, the victim and their family may not be able to afford proper medical care. If the victim suffers from emotional damages such as post-traumatic stress disorder or severe depression, they may require years of counseling. Even if the victim has insurance, filing a claim with their own carrier could raise their premiums. If a dog’s owner was negligent in allowing their dog the opportunity to attack someone, they should be held liable for the victim’s costs associated with their injuries. If you or your child was injured in this way, our dog bite lawyer can help you get the justice you deserve. Call a lawyer today to speak with a seasoned dog bite lawyer who has protected the best interests residents. Typical Damages from a Dog Bite Attack Dog attacks can be so severe that the victim suffers one or more fatal injuries as a result. Most often these victims are children. It is believed that children may be a common target of dogs because of children’s typical high energy level. Because the height of their head and neck are similar to the height of a dog’s jaws, those areas of the body are most often where the dog bite injuries are located. Head and neck injuries are often more serious than injuries in other areas of the body due to the location of vital organs and major arteries. Even adult victims are susceptible to head and neck injuries if the dog is able to knock them down. Regardless of the nature of your or your child’s injuries, our dog bite lawyer can represent you in seeking compensation for your damages. These are some of the most common damages associated with dog bite attacks: Deep lacerations. Permanent scarring. Deep puncture marks. Serious or fatal infections of injury areas. Loss of a limb either during the attack or later if the limb cannot be saved. Loss of one or both eyes, the nose, lips, cheeks or areas of the skull. Broken or fractured bones. Personal Injury Claim A dog bite lawyer seeks compensation for injury clients by filing a personal claim with the at-fault party or their insurance carrier. The claim is a detailed and more