Common Mistakes to Avoid With Workers’ Compensation Claims
Posted by Adam R. Leighton on Jan 23, 2018 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Common Mistakes to Avoid With Workers’ Compensation Claims If you were injured at work, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim and receive benefits. However, it can be a complicated process. If you don’t take all the proper steps, you could make a mistake that could jeopardize your claim. Here are some common workers’ compensation claims you need to avoid: Not Reporting Your Injury Immediately When you get hurt in the workplace, it’s crucial to let your employer know about your injury as soon as possible. Waiting even a couple of days to report your injury can hurt your chances of getting fair compensation. Be sure to follow your employer’s policy for reporting worksite accidents. Failing to Submit a Timely Claim Workers’ compensation claims get denied all the time because of lateness. If you don’t submit your claim within the deadline, the judge will likely reject it. It’s also important to make sure all the information in your claim is accurate. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer may help you fill out your claim in a timely manner and check it for possible errors. Not Seeing Medical Attention Right Away It’s critical to have a doctor inspect your injuries as soon as possible. He or she can determine the extent of your injuries and advise you on the appropriate treatment. If you delay medical care, your employer may think that you aren’t as hurt as you say you are and deny your claim. Not Getting a Second Opinion After you get hurt at work, you must see the doctor your employer directs you to. However, that doesn’t mean you should seek a second opinion from your own doctor. He or she is aware of your medical history and may offer his or her own recommendations. Not Listening to Your Doctor In order to keep receiving workers’ compensation benefits, you have to follow your doctor’s orders. Go to all of your scheduled appointments and follow your doctor’s suggestions for treatments, whether it’s surgery or medication. Not Looking for Work If you have recovered from your injury enough to do work, it’s important for you to look for jobs. Your current employer may even be able to make appropriate accommodations to your job. If you don’t seek work and you are physically able to do so, your benefits may get discontinued. Failing more