Common Questions of Medical Malpractice
Posted by Adam R. Leighton on Apr 17, 2018 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Common Questions of Medical MalpracticeGoing through unnecessary pain from a misdiagnosis or surgical mistake can leave you feeling helpless. It can be frustrating to have to endure a lengthy recovery and possible legal process when you have been hurt at the hands of someone else. Choosing to take legal action for medical malpractice can be a stressful process, especially if you do not have an attorney you can trust by your side. If you believe that you have been mistreated by a doctor due to medical malpractice, contact a professional, like a medical malpractice lawyer Fort Lauderdale, FL needs, soon.
How do I know if my doctor was negligent?
If your doctor has hurt you, you may consider speaking with an attorney to determine if your case warrants taking legal action. Negligence is when a doctor fails to provide a patient with the standard of care that all patients are entitled to. If you believe that had you gone to another doctor you would have received a different outcome, you may have a case for medical malpractice.
How do I file a complaint with the medical board?
You will want to file a complaint with the state medical board early on in the legal process. It will be important to inform them of the doctor’s actions and how they impacted your medical care and overall health. Filing a complaint can result in the medical board taking action against the medical professional. Ultimately, they could lose their license.
Is it hard to prove a medical malpractice case?
Medical malpractice cases can be difficult to prove without acquiring an expert witness to help support the evidence, and the case. Expert witnesses can be expensive to retain for medical malpractice cases. Because of this, attorneys will look closely at your case to make sure that there is a high probability of winning your case. They will want to make sure that the potential compensation you stand to collect is enough to pay the expert witnesses. An attorney usually will cover legal costs until the case is resolved; as a result, they are not likely to take on cases that they do not believe can win.
What are some tips for finding a reputable attorney?
It will be necessary to take your time in making sure that you find a good attorney who has experience in representing medical malpractice cases. Put in the extra effort to research attorneys in your area by looking at reviews on the Internet, asking around to those you know, and asking the attorney for references from past clients. Schedule a time to sit down with a prospective firm to ask questions and discuss your needs.
In the wake of an error on the part of your doctor, depending on the severity of the injury, you could be spending a lengthy period of time recovering. The anticipation of the next steps you will take can create anxiety, especially if you are worried you will have to deal with the opposing counsel on your own. We can assist you gather the evidence that you need to prove your case and face the lawyers so that you don’t have to. Contact us today so that we can aid you in resolving your medical malpractice case in a timely manner.
Thank you to the Needle & Ellenberg, P.A for providing their insight and knowledge on personal injury.