One Dead and Six Hurt in Deadly NYC Pedestrian Accident
Posted by Adam R. Leighton on Jan 16, 2019 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on One Dead and Six Hurt in Deadly NYC Pedestrian AccidentExperienced Attorney
Six people were injured, and one person has died in a deadly pedestrian accident in the Chinatown district of Manhattan, reports the New York Times (
According to reports, a driver was trying to park a minivan in the area when he went over a curb and onto the sidewalk, injuring six people and killing a 56-year-old man. At least two of the victims had serious injuries that were not life-threatening, while another two were in critical condition.
First responders and police responded to the call just before 7pm at the corner of Forsyth and Canal Streets, which was the result of a 70-year-old man trying to park his minivan and accidentally hitting his gas instead of his brakes, which caused him to go over the curb, smash two fruit carts and strike seven people.
The names of the victims were not immediately released, but the police said that the driver was Henry Herman from Monroe, NY. Herman remained at the scene of the accident, and the authorities do believe it was accidental. He has since been arrested and charged with one count each of driving on a sidewalk, unsafe reversing of a vehicle and failure to exercise due care, along with one count each of failure to yield to a pedestrian per victim.
Herman and his passenger were also among those injured, but they refused medical attention at the scene, according to authorities.
About one hour after the accident, Herman’s minivan remained on the scene, half on the street and half on the sidewalk. Just behind it was a body that was covered with a cloth.
Thirty-two-year-old Jin Lin said she happened to be walking by when the crash happened just ten feet from her. According to Lin, the van backed up very quickly, which surveillance video footage of the accident later confirmed. Lin called 911 after witnessing the accident, but the person who perished had already stopped breathing before the paramedics arrived.
The New York Post recently reported that despite the accident, Herman still has his license and is allowed to drive ( According to the state’s motor vehicle department, Herman has no previous accidents on his record, and his license is still valid. He was freed shortly after he was charged but is still due to appear in criminal court. The motor vehicle department was unable to say whether Herman’s license will be revoked if he is convicted.
Even simple mistakes can have tragic consequences when they happen while someone is behind the wheel, especially if he or she should no longer be driving because of health or age-related reasons. Although many older people are still good drivers, this is not always the case, and there are procedures to revoke someone’s license that must be followed even after he or she is involved in a serious crash.
If you have been injured by a driver who wasn’t paying attention or should no longer be able to drive, speak to an best pedestrian accident lawyer Denver, CO relies on about your case today.
Thank you to our friends and contributors at Richard J. Banta, P.C. for their insight into personal injury and pedestrian accident cases.