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Waiting to Attend a Divorce Deposition? Hire a Court Reporter

Experienced Attorney It probably goes without saying that divorce can be filled with anguish and stress. During the divorce discovery phase, the couple may have to attend a deposition proceeding. This is where both attorneys on each side ask questions of the other spouse, in an attempt to gain information that can be used in their case. If your divorce deposition has been schedule, you may not want to forget to hire a court reporter in Los Angeles. Unless you have a professional there to document what is said, further disputes can arise.  Being Placed Under Oath The court reporter is going to place the couple and their respective attorneys under oath before beginning the deposition. While this may sound scary, remember that your attorney is there to help protect your best interest. A major benefit of having a court reporter there to place the meeting under oath, is that every party is then influenced to be more truthful than maybe they had planned to be. Knowing their statements are being recorded and can be reflected back upon, may encourage the other spouse to remain honest.  There is No Time Limit It can be nerve-wracking to answer a question when you know that your words are going to be written down verbatim, and that what you say may be used against you by the opposing side. One way to help decrease nerves when answering a question is to remember that there is no time limit for how quickly you have to respond. The court reporter will be recording based on the speed of the deposition, not the other way around. It can help to sit and absorb the question, taking time before answering.  Request to Have a Line Read Another benefit to having a court reporter is that the conversations can stay on track. It can be easy to get carried away on a tangent, especially under such emotional circumstances. If you have forgotten where you were going with your point, you can request that the court reporter reads a line from the deposition.  Not Offering More Details Than You Need  Because your spouse’s attorney will be asking questions with the intention to uncover information that benefits them, it is important that you do not offer more details than you need to. Focus on answering the question directly, without adding additional facts that aren’t required. If your get nervous...
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Did Your Health Professional Make an Error?

 Experienced Attorney An attorney can tell you about how medical malpractice is a broad legal term that refers to errors that are made by a health professional. This area of law isn’t just limited to doctor specifically, as mistakes can be made by pharmaceutical workers, nurses, and other types of medical support staff. Dentists, obstetricians, and surgeons too are all required to maintain a certain degree of quality medical care in relation to patient’s well being. If a medical professional strays from what is expected as the standard within the medical community, they may face a medical malpractice lawsuit if their error had caused harm to a patient.  An Important Note It is worth noting that not every mistake, complication, or adverse reaction is deemed medical malpractice. There is always some degree of risk when it comes to a procedure, treatment, or medication. But we still advise patients who worry that medical malpractice has happened to them, to call us right away for a free, no-obligation consultation.  Do Not Notify The Hospital First Many patients may be so upset about a doctor’s mistake or negligence that they feel strongly about filing a complaint to the hospital. Unfortunately, this could result in the outcome you hadn’t anticipated. Hospitals often have a legal team of their own and sneaky ways to eliminate evidence, as a way to hopefully hide the doctor’s mistake. If they know you may consider taking legal action, they could make you jump through hoops to get copies of documents in your file that you have the right to obtain. It may be in your best interest to talk with an attorney first about strategic legal help.  Common Medical Malpractice Claims An attorney has likely helped many victims of medical malpractice just like you, who now have to suffer because a doctor didn’t maintain a high standard of care. Here are a few examples of some of the most common medical malpractice claims that we have represented in the past:  Birth Injury: usually results due to improper use of forceps, oxygen deprivation, prolonged labor, delayed c-section, and breech delivery. The baby who suffered a birth injury may have physical wounds such as bruises and wounds, or internal injuries such as brain damage or broken bones Surgical Errors: a doctor may accidentally puncture an organ, perform surgery on the wrong body part, or misuse medication while the patient is...
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Dos And Don’ts During Your Child Custody Battle

Experienced Attorney An attorney has seen how all kinds of emotions and resentments have spilled out into the open during a child custody battle. When two parents are against each other from the start and cannot even stand to be in the same room with one another, agreeing over child custody terms through mediation is unlikely. What happens next then, is that both parents will have to attend a court hearing over the matter instead. Here are a few things that you want to make sure you do not do during this time, so you aren’t getting in the way of winning the child custody battle: Forget About The Judge’s Number One Priority Your child or children is going to be the judge’s top priority during the custody battle. An attorney is likely to suggest approaching the entire hearing with the perspective of what is going to be in the best interest of your child. Yes, your schedule and finances will be a factor. However, the judge wants to see the child grow up in a home that is stable, warm, and supportive. If you are concerned that the other parent is going to be violent towards your children or neglect caring for them, please inform you attorney that this is a concern of yours before going into the child custody hearing. If you are afraid for the safety of you and/or your children, then avoid mediation in an attempt to resolve child custody and talk to your attorney about what you can to protect yourself now.  Get Into Heated Disputes With The Other Parent  Now is not the time to get into very emotional and angry conversations with your former partner. Keep in mind that your words stated over a phone call, through text message, email, or some other platform may be used against you by the other parent during the hearing. An attorney can give you advice on how to keep yourself calm and collected in the courtroom. There is always a chance that one of the parents will have an emotional outburst, and you don’t want that to be you.  Dress As If It’s Just Another Day Do not walk into the courtroom with casual clothes. You will want to present yourself in the best possible way, and that includes wearing attire that is appropriate for the setting. Put on your best pair of slacks and...
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How Can Filing Bankruptcy Help With Creditors?

Experienced Attorney Debt is something that can be hard to dig out. Sometimes it seems like a never-ending cycle of interest rates, penalties, late fees and eventual collectors. While you have contemplated debt consolidation, bankruptcy may be the better route. What does bankruptcy do, and where does the debt go? Consider some of these basics when thinking about a bankruptcy filing. Bankruptcy Stops Collections One of the worst parts about being in debt may be the constant barrage of phone calls from debt collectors. You try to reach a reasonable solution, things fall through, and you’re back to square one. The number of calls you receive borders on harassing. Filing for bankruptcy puts an immediate stop on collection activities. Creditors must stop trying to contact you directly. They do not go away, however, and will be able to try and get paid in court. Creditors Have Rights, Too While you have the right to file bankruptcy and stop collections, creditors still have the right to get repaid. During bankruptcy creditors follow a specific procedure to maintain their claim to your money. Depending on the type of bankruptcy you file dictates how and when creditors get paid. The Priority of Creditors The bankruptcy court does not see all creditors as equal. Every debt is put in a particular order. Debts that are secured by something, like collateral, are given a more prominent seat at the bankruptcy table. These creditors have something they can seize to fulfill your monetary obligation. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the creditor may take the item but they may have to pay you the difference between the value of the item and the amount owed. In Chapter 13, collateral is not typically seized, but you may have the option to return it. If you choose to keep the item and the obligations of the payment plan are not fulfilled, the creditor may proceed against you. Different Types of Bankruptcy It is important to note that the type of bankruptcy you file under will determine how creditors respond. The most common types of bankruptcy filed by individuals are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Under Chapter 7, you are looking for a discharge of debts, and your assets may get seized to pay back creditors. Under Chapter 13, however, you must come to terms with creditors on a payment plan that can be completed within five years. While bankruptcy...
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How Long Does a Bicycle Accident Settlement Take in Georgia?

Experienced Attorney Georgia bicycle accident victims often have pressing financial needs. Accident-related medical bills might pile up. When bicyclists cannot work while recovering from accident injuries, they might have difficulty paying rent or putting food on the table. Insurance claims adjusters take advantage of need to press for quick but unfair settlements. Claims adjusters often stall settlement negotiations in an effort to wear down bicycle accident victims. They want victims to endure a financial crisis so they will settle for less compensation than they deserve. Insurance claims adjusters protect the financial interests of insurance companies, not accident victims. Bicyclists who are injured by negligent drivers can hasten their settlements by hiring a lawyer who is not afraid to stand up to insurance companies. When claims adjusters know that a lawyer with a track record of success will file suit and press for a fair verdict, the only way the adjuster can save money for the insurance company is to make a fair and prompt settlement. While hiring a bicycle accident lawyer improves the odds of settling the case quickly, it is never smart to settle before all the facts are known. The time it takes to settle a case depends on several factors, including the circumstances of the accident and how quickly the bicyclist’s injuries are healing. Prompt Investigations Speed the Settlement of Georgia Bicycle Accident Cases Cases settle more quickly when the facts are clear. If all witnesses agree that a car rear-ended a bicyclist who was riding in a bicycle lane, there will probably be no dispute that the driver was entirely at fault for the accident. Sometimes fault is more difficult to establish. The driver might claim that the bicycle was not in the bicycle lane but unexpectedly swerved into traffic. The bicyclist might share fault under those circumstances. If the bicyclist maintains that he or she never left the bicycle lane, a bicycle accident lawyer will want to gather evidence that supports the bicyclist’s description of the accident. Accident attorneys want to begin investigations quickly, while memories are fresh and physical evidence is still available. An investigator might need to search for witnesses and to examine the accident scene for skid marks, pavement gouges, or other evidence of where the accident occurred. An expert examination of the bicycle might also shed light on how the accident happened. Investigations take time to complete. Even after the...
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